Research Area/ Interests:
• Plant Breeding and Genetics
• Biofortification in Cereals
• Quantitative Genetics
• QTL and Association Mapping
• Incharge Seed Centre (All the research and Management Activities)
• Currently two MPhil and one MSc students are studying the effect of Fulvic Acid and Zinc Sulphate on Wheat, Rice and Corn.
• Focal Person on Active Citizen Program from British Council
• Teaching Two Courses: 1) Plant Breeding and Horticulture 2) Advances in Molecular Genetics
Awards/Research Experiences:
- Awarded with Faculty development program scholarship worth seven million rupees (Almost 70,000 CAD) by University of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan for PhD.
- Won Canadian Wheat Board Fellowship worth CAD 58000 for the period of 2012-2014
- Won a travel Bursary for Agriculture Biotechnology international conference (ABIC 2010).
- Served as Manager Seeds in “Suncrop Pesticides International” and was responsible for recruiting technical and non-technical staff at farm.
- Served as Research and Development Officer in Warble (Pvt) Ltd. And was responsible for recruiting technical staff at farm
- Certified Trainer and Focal Person (Botany) of Active Citizenship Program launched by British Council and Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.
- IFC World Bank Group training titled “ Communicating effectively”