Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

Prof. Dr. Kausar Malik

Prof. Dr. Kausar Malik
Dr. Kausar Malik is working as Meritorious Professor in Molecular Biology at the Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB), University of the Punjab. She made the history to become first ever first Professor/Director, promoted to Grade-22 on best performance & Seniority in CEMB, by Board of Governors of CEMB, University of the Punjab, Lahore. She has excellent academic record having M.Sc zoology from PU with distinction, specialization in Biochemistry and title of M.Sc thesis was “Effect of Feeding Rapeseed meal on the Biochemistry of the Liver of the Japanese Quail”, PhD (Molecular biology) from CEMB-PU &  title of thesis was “Molecular Characterization of Bacillus thuringiensis delta endotoxin receptor” Novel receptor was discovered from major devastating cotton crop pest Helicoverpa armigera (Ammerican bollworm), Post-Doc in Applied Molecular Biology. She has >37 years of diversified, vast teaching/research/administrative experiences and served as Director at CEMB, University of the Punjab, Lahore. She has specialization in research areas like Molecular biology/biotechnology, Toxicology, Immunology, Entomology, biochemistry, Microbiology & Nano-biotechnology,   more than 270 publications with impact factor 185; more than 40 as 1st author & as corresponding author in HEC recognized ISI indexed Thomson Reuter JCR Journals,38 publications in last 5 years, 4 book chapters, 18 books Written which were published internationally. She had won 4 Gold medals & accomplishment certificate awarded by honorable education minister 1997 and Punjab University Performance evaluation awards. I her career, she got Innovation award 2012 & received appreciation letter from ORIC-PU on the development of Biosensor (Dipsticks) for quick on-spot detection of transgenic Bt-Crops. She is productive scientist of Pakistan by Pakistan Council for Science & Technology, filed 8 patents, 11 Genbank (NCBI) submissions. Supervised several PhD/MS research theses, taught several courses & designed new teaching courses at PhD/MS/BS (Hons) levels. Being the pioneer employee has been prt of leadership team of CEMB & among the founders of biotechnology/molecular biology. Established diverse research labs (Entomology, GMO detection, Immunology, Molecular medicine/Medical Biotechnology), has several Inventions & Discoveries & served 2 organizations (CEMB, LCWU) very well. As senior researcher of research projects at CEMB, established protein purification technologies, manual sequencing (Sanger`s method) & discovered 10 new type II restriction endonucleases isoschizomers (from indigenous bacteria) which are cited in REBASE-New England Biolab USA. First time developed Bacteriophage DNA isolation manually and Antibodies (polyclonal, monospecfic) production in CEMB. Prepared Molecular tools such as Restriction enzymes, Taq polymerase, Lambda Hind III Marker, T7 phage DNA, Antibodies, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Proteins, in bulk & Bioassays performed for researchers so contributed in research work of CEMB theses for two decades. Screened thousands locally isolated Bt & discovered novel Bt isolates to use genes for development of insect resistant Bt crops (double gene cotton varieties of CEMB). Found novel indigenous Bt isolates having Insecticidal crystal proteins to control major pests of rice & cotton crops (US patent 6150156: on novel research). First time in Asia, performed Genetically modified (GM) crops detection by developed economically suitable biotoxicity assays for pest control, immunoassays, Biosensor (Dipsticks) for Bt-Crops quick detection, analyzed all Bt-transformed plants & managed insectory. Discovered new Bt toxins receptor in pest: Gen Bank (NCBI) Accession # Q7M4K6). Research work of two decades on Bt-transgenic crops development became fruitful in the form of commercialization of Bt-cotton varieties. In LCWU, established microbial & molecular biology research labs & generated a cadre of trained manpower as trained/motivated faculties & students at CEMB (1988 to 2009, 2016 to date) & LCWU (2009-2016), promoted research. Her several students are serving in prestigious academic organizations at national/international level. She got administrative Experience as Member; Admission, verification & Symposia supervisory, Chairperson of Institutional Ethical Review Board (IERB), Group leader of agriculture/health CEMB landscaping/beautification committee, Research Groups Incharge (1993-2009), Incharge of Journal club of CEMB. In LCWU, as Director ORIC 30 Patents were filed in Intellectual Property office (IPO), established Industrial links through LCCI etc, Served as Member: Academic council, Chairperson: Research promotion Committee, Convener; Physical inspection of Scientific Purchase, Physical Resource-Senior Key Management & 6 other Committees, DTRC of life Sciences Departments, focal person-PASTIC. Molecularly characterized pathogenic serotype E.coli O157:H7. To combat multi-drug resistance in microbes; miRNA-based genes silencing at molecular level & bacteriophages studies for therapeutic purposes were performed. Identified several indigenous plants, having anti-microbial, pesticidal, anti-cancerous activities against pathogenic MDR microbes & cell lines. Developed plant based biopesticides, food preservatives. Won WHO, IsDB projects, several GCF & TDF projects shortlisted, HEC-NRPU, LCF projects evaluated. She is first CEMB faculty member who is extending her expertise continuously for uplift of  HEC varsities as a member of academic decision making bodies like Syndicate (in 2 Universities), BOS (in 7 HEC-Universities), Member: Selection-Boards (as expert of Zoology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Human Genetics, Immunology, in 9 HEC-Universities), Member-Advisor: Punjab Public Service Commission, external examiner (in 12 HEC-Universities) & evaluated 195 research theses, Invited reviewer of Projects & ten international-Journals & received certificates of excellence. Short-listed 3-times for post of Vice Chancellor of public sector HEC recognized Universities, Life-fellow Member of Zoological society of Pakistan, Member-Association of ORICs Pakistan, Member: Board of Faculty-PU & DDPC-CAMB. Participated in >200 seminars/workshops/conferences as invited-speaker/organizer/session chair/participant nationally/internationally. As Director CEMB from 5-4-2022 to 12-7-2023, efforts were made for annual budget increase, revenue generation so achieved increase of 80 million in budget & revenue generation of 120 millions (through projects & other sources) & approvals of CEMB transgenic cotton varieties. Served as Chairperson of Institutional Ethical Review Board (IERB), admission committee etc. She is dedicated, hard working, disciplined, high energy individual with a great sense of responsibility, productive researcher & educator. She has learned national/international recognitions for her achievements & contributions in Science.
Designation:- Professor


