I, Ms. Afshan Iqbal, have obtained BS degree in Biochemistry and MS in Biochemistry form Institute of Biochemistry & Biotechnology, University of the Punjab, Lahore. After completing my studies, I got an opportunity to serve my parent institute as lecturer, so I joined IBB in August, 2009 as Lecturer. Currently, I’m also enrolled in PhD. I’ve supervised more than 25 graduate/post-graduate and MS students for their dissertations. During this period, I’ve got various projects from the University and successfully completed them and published the research work. My research areas include Clinical Biochemistry, Microbiology and Molecular Biology. Recently I’ve completed a research project in collaboration with Children’s Hospital and the Institute of Child Health regarding Apert syndrome in Pakistani population and found some novel mutations. I am also actively conducting research on microbial enzymes that can play important role for environment safety. |