Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

Prof. Dr. Tahir Mehmood

Prof. Dr. Tahir Mehmood
Dr. Tahir Mehmood, working as Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at the Institute of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of the Punjab, Lahore-Pakistan.   Prof. Mehmood earned his PhD degree in Molecular Cell Biology & Biochemistry from the Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology (IGBMC), University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg France in 2012. Prof. Mehmood has around 19 years of experience in teaching and research at university level inland and abroad, having had a first-class academic career.
The main area of his research interests includes:  To isolate and characterize plant-based drugs/bioactive peptides/nutraceuticals, biotransformation, industrial uses enzymes production, biofuels and accesses the chemical toxicity etc. Nutra-Pharmaceutical with potential medication as anti-cancer, anti-diabetes, other pharmacological activities and product development with value addition.
In addition to teaching and research, He has supervised 12 MSc/BS, 72 MPhil, and 5 PhD students, with three PhD and four MPhil students currently working under his supervision. Over 120 research papers have been published in highly reputed journals, with an aggregate impact factor of over 320 and over 1820 google scholar citations (h-index=20, i10-index=47). In addition, 15 book chapters and two practical books for BS/MSc have been published by internationally renowned publishers.
Currently, he is working on a research project entitled “Designing lignocellulose-derived enzyme cocktail as a robust biocatalytic system for detergent applications” the project approved from HEC under TDF. It’s worth 18 million. In the beginning of the year 2024 he completed one project as Co-PI entitled “Safety and quality assessment of loose milk in Pakistan “the worth 18 million of Pakistani rupees.  Prof. Mehmood chaired and co-chaired scientific sessions at a number of conferences. He evaluated various activities at the university and college level, including poster competitions, oral presentations, and scientific research. He presented a number of research papers at national and international conferences/symposia (including France, the United Kingdom, and Malaysia), with 50 of his abstracts appearing in the abstract books of these scientific gatherings. In addition, He has participated in many training workshops as a resource person/organizer and have attended numerous training courses/workshops inland and abroad.
The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan registered him as a recognized supervisor for an indigenous PhD supported program based on his considerable commitment to research and teaching experience since 2012. Furthermore, numerous local funding agencies added his name to their list of project evaluators. He has periodically assessed a significant number of projects supplied by various local funding bodies. Based on his scientific understanding, He also taught/trained local biodiesel workers and indigenous hakeem how to extract bioactive compounds from medicinal plants using green extraction methods/technology.
He has reviewed numerous research articles for journals such as the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Molecules, Fermentation, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, Waste and Biomass Valorization, Journal of Applied Biomedicine, International Journal of Nanomedicine, Journal of Phytotherapy Research, and the International Journal of Food Research.
University of Sargodha, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore awarded publication incentives in the years 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, carrying significant amounts of cash and certificates, based on his achievements and significant publications to the field of Science and Technology. His name was also selected as a member of the curriculum revision/development committee for Biochemistry and Agricultural Chemistry for the BS, MPhil, MSc (Hons), and PhD degree programs by Pakistan's Higher Education Commission. The Pakistan Council for Science and Technology included his name in the Directory of Productive Scientists of Pakistan (PSP) for the year 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 etc.
Finally, the University of Sargodha presented him with a shield for outstanding performance in his teaching, research, MPhil/PhD students’ supervision, and other Departmental and University responsibilities. The shield was also awarded by the University of Veterinary and Animal Science as the best convener of the Qirtas Society (Extra-Co- curricular activities), during my convener of Qirtas Society time at UVAS in Lahore, Pakistan. Finally, the University of the Punjab in Lahore's CAMB presented the outstanding performance shield to his stay in CAMB.
Designation:- Professor


