Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU awards five PhD degrees
PU awards five PhD degrees

LAHORE: (Thursday, January 5, 2023): Punjab University has awarded five PhD degrees to the scholars in which Ghulam Sarwar S/o Ghulam Hussain in the subject of Zoology after approval of his thesis entitled ‘Morphological And Molecular Characterization of Wolves From Pakistan’, Anees Ur Rashid Hashmi S/o Abdul Rashid Hashmi in the subject of Kashmiryat after approval of his thesis entitled ‘Geo-Strategic Significance of Kashmir: Reassessing the Historical Evaluation of Dogra Rule (1846-1947 A.D.)’, Zahid Islam S/o Said Ghulam in the subject of International Relations after approval of his thesis entitled ‘Role of Pakistan Army in Restoring Peace: A Study of Military Operations in Swat Valley and its Implications (2007-2019)’, Hafiz Muhammad Abdun Naseer Alavi S/o Qari Muhammad Abdul Baseer Alavi in the subject of Islamic Studies after approval of his thesis entitled ‘The Differences of Opinion Between Hanafiyyah and Mutakallimeen in Fundamental Linguistic Principals (Qawaid Usooliyyah Lughawiyyah) and their Inferences’ and Habib Ur Rahman S/o Muhammad Wali in the subject of Islamic Studies after approval of his thesis entitled ‘The Principals of Muhaddithin and Jurists in Accepting and Rejecting the Hadith and their Effects on the Methods of Principals of Islamic Jurisprudence’.