Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PUFCIT organizes 12th Job Fair
PUFCIT organizes 12th Job Fair

LAHORE: (Thursday, February 2, 2023): Punjab University Faculty of Computing Information Technology (FCIT) has organized its 12th Job Fair at New Campus. On this occasion around 60 leading IT companies from software industry set up their stalls to hire the graduates of FCIT from a batch of about 600 coming from domains of computer science, software engineering and information technology. These products and services based IT companies, are contributing USD 4 billion annually to the economy of Pakistan. Stalls were also set up by Punjab University Career Counseling & Placement Centre, Skill Development Centre and Business Incubation Centre. Dean FCIT Prof Dr Shahzad Sarwar said that FCIT was committed to impart quality education and enhancing Pakistan's share in the global market of software industry. He said that FCIT was the leading public sector institution of Pakistan which was producing skilled graduates who were working on key positions in multi-national and national IT companies. He said that the purpose of the job fair was to facilitate FCIT graduates in matching their skills and abilities with the available career opportunities through interaction with recruitment executives and team leads of various software houses. He said that participant companies had conducted interviews and preliminary recruitment tests, collected CVs, presented technological trends and shared job descriptions/specifications of the available opportunities with the students. He thanked the FCIT faculty members for their contribution towards achieving goal of quality education. Further, on behalf of the faculty members, Dr Shahzad Sarwar expressed profound gratitude to the VC Prof Dr Niaz Ahmad Akhtar for his continued support to ensure growth of the FCIT in every possible way.