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SMEP technical advisor visits PU IQTM
SMEP technical advisor visits PU IQTM

LAHORE: (Sunday, March 26, 2023): Sweden Technical University, KTH’s Professor Amir Rashid visited Punjab University Institute of Quality and Technology Management (IQTM). Prof Amir Rashid is also currently serving as Technical advisor to the Sustainable Manufacturing and Environmental Pollution (SMEP) program which is being managed by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of UK Govt, and is implemented in partnership with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
Director IQTM Prof Dr Muhammad Usman Awan introduced faculty members and PhD students to the guest scholar. Prof Amir Rashid said that to have team members from multidisciplinary backgrounds is the great strength as the team at IQTM include individuals with Total Quality Management, Industrial Engineering, Economics, Statistics, Mechatronics, Pharmacy and Administrative Sciences disciplines.
Prof Rashid briefed the participants in detail about SMEP program, its intervention areas, and its current and incoming calls. He said that Pakistan Tanneries would be able to retain Business with global players only if they comply with the international Environment standards and IQTM like academic Institutions have a great role to play in such initiatives.
Dr Usman told the participants how he developed a team which has submitted a proposal for SMEP funding for ‘Market-aligned interventions for Cleaner production in the Textile industry’. He assured full support to Prof Rashid to link him to various stakeholders of the Tanneries sector in Pakistan so that maximum number of relevant stakeholders can be informed about SMEP initiatives.