1. F.N Forman and N.D.J Baldwin, British Politics, London: MacMillan, 1991
2. G.Q. Wilson, American Government: Institutions and Politics, 3rd edition, Heath & Co., n.d.
3. Harold J. Laski, Parliamentary Government in England, London, Allen & Unwin, 1960
4. J. M. Colomer, Political Institutions in Europe, London, 1996
5. M. Carter Gwendolen and John H. Hertz, Major Foreign Powers, New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, INC, 1967
6. P.G Cocker, Contemporary British Politics and Government, Kent, Tudor Business Publishing Ltd., 1993,
7. Pomper McWilliams Baker, American Government, McMillan Publishing Co. London, 1993
8. Ramsay Muir, How Britain is Governed, London, Constable & Co., 1940
9. Robert G. Neumann, European Government, New York: McGraw-Hill, INC, 1968
10. Thomas E. Patterson, The American Democracy, Boston, McGraw Hill College, 1999