Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

Ph.D. in Islamic Studies

A student admitted to the Ph.D. Programme shall be required to undertake the course work if he does not hold an M.Phil or equivalent degree. The Doctoral Programme Committee shall recommend to the board of governors for approval of the names of applicants, who are found suitable for studies leading to Ph.D. degree along with the name of supervisor/s. The selected candidates shall pay their dues within 15 days of admission Notification, failing which their admission shall be deemed as cancelled. The; Board of Studies / B.O.G. will approve the title / synopsis of the thesis and name of Research Supervisor/s within one year after the admission. The candidates shall be admitted for Ph.D. programme provisionally however, their registration shall be confirmed after the approval from Advance Studies and Research Board, His/her registration shall be counted from the date of admission to the Department.

Course Outline



Session Begin

Admission Criteria


