Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU ICET organizes Seerat-un-Nabi (PBUH) conference
PU ICET organizes Seerat-un-Nabi (PBUH) conference

LAHORE: (Friday, January 30, 2015): Punjab University Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology (ICET) organized Seerat-un-Nabi (PBUH) conference and Naat, Qiraat and English/ Urdu declamation contest. On this occasion ICET Director Dr Amir Ejaz, Asst Prof Mudassar Azam, ICET student advisor Dr Mehmood Saleem, faculty memebrs and students were present.

In his address Dr Amir said that we should keep on organizing such events to express our love and respect for our beloved Holy Prophet (PBUH). Mudassar Azam said such events were beneficial for students to excel in competitive environment around the globe. Dr Mehmood congratulated organizing team and distributed souvenirs among the winners. Meanwhile PU Center for Clinical Psychology (CCP) also organized a ceremony of Milad-un-Nabi in which CCP Director Prof Dr Rukhsana Kausar, faculty members, students and employees participated. In the event the participants prayed for the safety and prosperity of the country and Muslim community.