Estb. 1882

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Islam provided unprecedented rights to women: Raghib Naeemi
Islam provided unprecedented rights to women: Raghib Naeemi

LAHORE: (Tuesday, March 12, 2019): Renowned religious scholar Maulana Dr Raghib Hussain Naeemi has said that Islam has provided unprecedented rights to the women and gave respect to them at the time in Arab society when girls were being buried alive. He was addressing a seminar on Seerat and the status of women jointly organized by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan and PU Department of Gender Studies at Al Raazi Hall here on Tuesday. Institute of Islamic Studies Director Prof Dr Saad Siddiqui, former dean Prof Dr Tahira Basharat, Dr Shahida Parveen, Department of Gender Studies Incharge Dr Raana Malik, faculty members and a large number of students were present on the occasion.

Addressing the seminar, Maulana Dr Raghib Hussain Naimi said Islam had given preference to mother over father in terms of good behavior by their children. Likewise, he said, according to understanding of a Hadith, the person who would bring up even one daughter in a good manner and arrange her marriage with a good person would be with Hazrat Muhammad SAW like two fingers. He said that Hazrat Muhammad SAW, for whom Allah had created such a huge universe, used to stand in respect of his daughter. He said that in Islam, women were shareholder in the wealth of both parents and husband and she had the right to choose her life partner. Hence, he said, we could see that how much respect and rights had been given to women in Islam. He said that men were responsible to provide food, cloth etc to women but women were not responsible to feed men. He said that there was no sanction on women if they wanted to do job or business for earning money through fair means. Moreover, man could not claim right on the money being earned by the women while women had right over the money earned by men, he added. He said that unfortunately most of the times women were creating problems for women in our society. He said that women must bring change in their behavior and accept rights of other women. He said that the institution of Masjid was not performing the task which it should. He said that if the institution of Masjid function in an appropriate manner, most of our social problems would be solved. He said that the Western values had destroyed family system and it put a lot of burden on the shoulders of women. Later, a question answer session was held.