Mr. Shabbir Ahmad Khan joined the Department as lecturer on February 1st, 1995. He became Assistant Professor on July 26, 2001. Mr. Khan is currently on Ph.D. Fellowship from the University of the Punjab and working on his Ph.D. studies in the Political Science Department, West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA. Mr. Khan received Fulbright Scholarship twice in his Academic career. Firstly, he did a special study on US Political System at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA in 2002. Secondly, he did his Masters in Political Science from Ohio University, Athens, USA in 2007. He also completed Pre-Academic Program with distinction (Honor Roll) from CESL (Center for English as a Second Language), University of Arizona, Tucson, USA in 2005. Mr. Khan also won two Medals, one from Islamia University Bahawalpur (Gold Medal) in 1991, and the other from the Government of the Punjab (First Ibn-e- Khaldoon medal) in 1993. He has also been working as Host/Moderator and an Expert on political issues (National and International) on PTV and private channels for the last 12 years. His areas of interest are American Politics, International Relations, Comparative Politics, International law, and South Asia. |