Previous Administrative Positions: Vice Chancellor, GC Women University, Sialkot and Lahore College for Women University, Lahore; Dean, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, UMTs, Lahore;; Director, Institute of Applied Psychology, & Centre for Clinical Psychology, Director, Student Counseling and Assessment Services (SCAS), Director, Psychological Trauma Centre, Centre for Clinical Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore; Acting Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology & Associate Dean, Earth, Life, and Communication Sciences; and Chairperson, Department of Behavioural Sciences, Fatima Jinnah Women University (FJWU), Rawalpindi.
Professional Experience: Over 37 Years Post Graduate Level Teaching, Administrative and Research Experience both at home and abroad.
National level teaching: Served at different teaching positions at: Post Graduate College for Women, Gujranwala, University of the Punjab, FJWU, Rawalpindi, UMT, Lahore
International Level Teaching, Examining and Supervision Experience:
Teaching: Psychology Department, University of Surrey, England, Open University, UK
External Examiner: Rehampton University London England
Research Supervision: Post Doc supervision at Kings’ College London; PhD supervision at Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Convener / Chairpersonship and Membership of Committees: (Listed a few) |
Member Syndicate & Selection Board, University of Home Economics Lahore, 2019; Member Selection Board, University of Education, Lahore, 2019 & University of Technology, Rasul, Mandi Behauddin, 2022; Founding Member of All Pakistan Women Universities Consortium (APWUC), Member, Chancellor’s Committee, Women University Rawalpindi. 2019; Convener, Consortium on Character Building constituted by the Chancellor, 2023; Secretary, Board of Governors, Centre for Clinical Psychology Nov, 2011- Dec, 2016 & August 2017- 6-3-2018; Chairperson, Syndicate, Lahore College for Women University (Dec, 2016 – May, 2017); Member of several HEC’s Committees i.e. CDSS (20102018); Expert Committee for Evaluation of Civil Awards 2016 (11th March, 2016); Convener of NCRC in Psychology (2013); Sub Committee for the Selection of Distinguished Professors in Social Sciences and Humanities (2013); Convener, Sub-committee on Psychology, CDSS (2010 – date); Member, Academic Council, Government College University (GCU), Lahore (29th October, 2015 – date); Convener, Staff and Faculty Development and Training Committee, University of the Punjab, Lahore (2013). |
Research Experience: |
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Honorary Research Associate at the Wolfsan Neuro-rehabilitation Centre, St. George’s NHS trust London, UK, 2001-2002; Research Grants HEC, Pakistan, Psychological and Neurological Functioning of Elderly in Pakistan: A Comparison in Punjab and Gilgit-Baltistan. Under thematic research Projects. 6.5 million; Efficacy of Children and Disaster Recovery Techniques with Flood-Stricken Children in Southern Punjab, Pakistan. Under NRPU, 3.5 million. |
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Reviewer and Technical Consultant for UNESCO) Project No 443-06 |
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Research Collaborations: Several International Collaborations with researchers from different countries i.e. Australia; Europe, USA, UK, Bangladesh. |
Research Publications, Conference Participation and Presentations:- |
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Have Published 122 research articles in National and International Journals with Impact Factor 91.775, and have submitted over 10 articles for publication. Moreover, have published two books. |
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Have presented research work in over 200 National and International Conference across the globe. |
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Gave keynote talks and chaired scientific sessions of numerous conferences both national and international. |
Research Supervision (Post-Doc, PhD, MPhil / MS, MSc and BS Students)
Post-Doc = 1 (King’s College London); PhDs completed = 20; PhD submitted for evaluation = 1; MPhil / MS completed = 65; MSc / BS Completed =150 |
Workshops, Seminars, Conferences Conducted / organized
A large number of workshops, seminars and national and international Conferences conducted, attended and organized during my academic and administrative career. |
Other Notable Contributions:
During my Tenure as VC at GCWU Sialkot, worked on a number of development projects at main campus and Amen Abad campus, e.g. completion of student services center, university guest house, construction of Social Sciences Block named after Bilqis Edhi, construction of employees’ residences, students’ hostel, administration office; Established women development center, Kamyab jawan markaz; Psychosocial well-being Centre, Constructed rain water reservoirs, Established botanical garden, (among the few development projects); Offering of several new degree programs; Approval of university statutes, selection of university staff and faculty, Established Psychosocial wellbeing Centre; During Covid, provided Tele Psychological services. Initiation of GCWUS alumnai association.
In LCWU, Facilitated long awaited development projects funded by HEC i.e. Social Sciences block, Student services centre, renovation of auditorium, building of Jhang campus(2017); established e-Rozgar markaz, Botanical garden
In University of the Punjab: In IAP, Construction of class rooms, computer lab and conference room at the first floor, renovation of complete building from time to time; established Student Counseling and Assessment Services (SCAS, 2005), upgradation of department to institute.
In Centre for Clinical Psychology: Completion of construction of CCP New Building near Islamic Centre; construction of class rooms, faculty rooms, library, testing lab on first floor; established Psychological Trauma Centre, (2017); Construction of client consultation rooms and renovation of whole building (old building); extension and renovation of living and learning centre for special children.
Developed Ethical Guidelines for Authors, Editors and Reviewers of Journals for HEC; Convener Test item construction Committee for HEC and NTS and conducted a series of workshops for test item construction across the country. |
Fellowships and Memberships of Professional bodies:
Vice President, Pakistan psychological association (2016-2024); Fellow, International Medical Sciences Academy (awarded in Manipal, India 2007); Member, Advisory Committee of Children of War Organization (International); Member, International Council of Psychotherapy, UK; Member British Psychological Society, UK (BPS, Membership No 135809; Member American Psychological Association (International Affiliated member No 8899-2661; Full Member of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS, Member ID1081; Member International Council of Psychologists (ICP); Member International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP); Member International Positive Psychology Society (2007); Member Asian Psychological Association (APsyA); Member, International Society of Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection; Life Member, Pakistan Psychological Association (PPA). |
Journal Editing and Reviewing:
Chief Editor, Journal of Behavioural Sciences, (2003-2005; 2007 -2018); “Pakistan Journal of Professional Psychology Research” (2011-2018); Senior Editor, Journal of Gender and Social Issues, Official Publication of Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi (2006-2007); Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Professional Psychology, Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, Indian Journal of Psychology and Mental Health; Frontier Women University, Journal of Social Sciences; Journal of Professional Psychology, Journal of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, India; Bulletin of Educational Research, Institute of Education and Research, Bulletin of Educational Research, Institute of Education and Research University of the Punjab, Lahore, Reviewer for Elsevier’s journals in the discipline of Psychology. |
Voluntary Advisory and Community Work: |
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Developed Ethical Guidelines for Authors, Reviewers and Editors of Social Sciences Journals in Pakistan for Higher Education Commission, Pakistan; Developed modules on counter terrorism for School Children (for Lahore Text Book Board); Arranged Counseling Services for Survivors and Families of School van burning incident in Gujrat; To inculcate sense of volunteerism in students, have included “Community work” as mandatory in BS/MSc Curriculum both at IAP, CCP, GCWUS and as Convener NCRC, HEC got Community work included in BS Psychology / Applied Psychology curriculum; Helped Develop curriculum on Personal Grooming & Mannerism for Zero Period in schools and Colleges for Punjab Education Department; Worked as teacher Incharge of Punjab University’s Blood Donors Society (Female Students) |
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Have been giving a series of talks and delivering lectures at different forums to raise awareness about psychological problems: such as Drug abuse (with ANF, Government of the Punjab in Drug Demand Reduction Programme), Status of Women, Stress and Coping, Psychosocial implications of Neurological disorders for the patient as well as carers, implications of terminal diseases such as Cancer; Served as consultant to Government of Punjab, Secretary of Education: to develop curriculum for school and college students for Zero period; to take measures to facilitate special students in Educational institutes in Punjab; Co-opted member on the Chief Minster’s task force constituted by Chief Minister, Punjab, Lahore, (2012) for improvement of higher education in Punjab and gave active input in formulation of recommendations; Developed Courses on Peace & tolerance to be taught at University and College level. |