I, Dr. Zahid Hussain Shamsi, joined the department of Mathematics, as lecturer on January 01, 2009. Currently, I am performing duties in the department as an assistant professor on adhoc basis. Prior to joining PU, I had served as lecturer in Punjab Higher Education Department (September 05, 2002 to July 16, 2007) and Comsats Institute of Information Technology (CIIT), Lahore campus (July 17, 2007 to December 31, 2008).
In September, 2011, I was awarded HEC overseas scholarship for MS leading to PhD program at Hanyang University, South Korea. By the grace of Almighty Allah, I successfully completed PhD in Mathematics in February 2016. Earlier, I completed M.Sc. (Mathematics) in 2000 and M.Sc. (Computer Science) in 2004 from University of the Punjab.
My research interests include computer vision/digital image processing, quantum information and computation. During my PhD, main area of research includes various PDE (partial differential equation) based and statistical approaches to solve an ill-posed problem of image restoration. In addition to my primary research domain of image processing, I collaborated with the respected professors in Physics department at Hanyang University. The areas of collaboration in quantum information theory include study of quantum entanglement, discord, coherence, quantum field theory and quantum metrology in relativistic (non-inertial) regime. The research collaboration in area of lithography is related to thermal and mechanical stress analysis for extreme ultraviolet lithography. |