Experience of Higher Education
2018 to 2019 Director, Institute of Applied Psychology
2016-2017: Director, Institute of Applied Psychology & Centre for Clinical Psychology
2016: Shortlisted as last 4 candidates for the post of VC of LCWU, Lahore
2013: Professor in Applied Psychology (BPS 21)
2012-2013: Associate Professor (BPS 20), GCU, Lahore
2011: Assistant Professor (BPS 18)
2006-12: Assistant Professor (TTS), GCU, Lahore
2004-06: Assistant Professor, GCU (BPS)
2003-04: Lecturer, GC University
1996-2003: Lecturer, GCW, Gujrat
1993-1996: Research Associate: National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad (1-2-1993 to 30-4-1996)
1991-2003: Visiting Faculty: Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology, National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, I.C.G. F-6/2, Islamabad, F. G. Postgraduate College for Women F-7/2, Ibne-Ameer GCW, Gujrat
Teaching & Research
1. PhD/MPhil/MS: Teaching and Research Supervision.
2. PhD: Forensic Psychology, Advance Research Methods, Ethical Issues in Research, Advanced Statistics on Computers.
3. MPhil: Advance Research Methods-I & II, Clinical Psychology I & II, Psychopathology, Statistical analysis on computers, Perspectives in Psychology.
4. MSc/BSc. (Hons.): Clinical Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Personality theories, Research Methods.
• Total Publications: 48
• Impact Factor Journals: 06
• HEC Recognized/Abstracted/Indexed Journal: 37
• Conference Proceedings: 05
• Books: 03 |