Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU appoints Dr Akram as CMO
PU appoints Dr Akram as CMO

LAHORE: (Monday, July 17, 2023): Dr Muhammad Akram has been appointed as Chief Medical Officer in Punjab University Health Center. Dr Muhammad Akram has been performing his duties at PU Health Center for the past 26 years. Besides being a chest specialist, Dr Akram is also performing the duties of an administrator at the health center. Dr Akram said that he is grateful to Punjab University Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Khalid Mahmood for his cooperation in providing health facilities to teachers, students and employees on a priority basis. He said that PU Health Center is playing a proactive role to provide the best medical facilities to teachers, students and employees. He said that soon a preventive health center will be established in Punjab University for Maternal and Child in the University Residential Colony. He said that the system is being digitized for transparency in the supply of medicines.