Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Punjab University Department of Graphic Design has organized a Seminar
Punjab University Department of Graphic Design has organized a Seminar

Punjab University Department of Graphic Design has organized a Seminar "GUPSHUP; Design and Communication for Thesis Projects", with Nadeem Wahid, Creative Head of Vovels Advertising Agency. Nadeem talked about modern trends and challenges in the world of design. He emphasizes that the insight of the consumers derives the right positioning, which is the base of any successful campaign. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Bilal; Chairman of the Department of Graphic Design, said that this seminar is part of a series to build a stronger link between industry and academia, and the information and knowledge imparted in this seminar will be helpful for the students to prepare their thesis projects in relevance with real challenges of market. Prof. Asrar Chishti congratulates the Graphic Design Department for arranging a seminar for thesis students. Dr Samina Naseem; Principal College of Art and Design, said that this kind of seminar is helpful for students and sometimes significantly impacts their professional lives. Mr. Abdullah, Mr. Talat, Mr. Farjood and all faculty members and many students have participated in this seminar.