Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

Ph.D Political Science

The Department of Political Science is one of the leading and prestigious departments offering PhD program in Political Science in Pakistan. The Department has theoretical, methodological and substantive expertise and offer training in all major areas of Political Science including Comparative Politics, Political Theory, International Law and Government, Democracy and Civil Society, Conflict Resolution and International Relations. The objective of the PhD program is to provide students with analytical skills and substantive knowledge needed to both generate and evaluate research in Political Science, preparing them for careers at the highest levels of scholarship and teaching. The vibrant intellectual community of the department, with most members contributing to more than one field of Political Science discipline, ensures promotion of research covering close interdependence between politics of Pakistan, Comparative Politics, Law and Politics, International Relations, and Political Theory. The Department assists and enables students to explore and cultivate growing convergences between Comparative Politics and International Relations to enable them to contribute to the global and comparative dimensions of politics.

The degree consists of teaching curriculum and research; the course work is followed by writing of a thesis. The teaching curriculum is designed to help polish skills of students to evaluate, synthesize and engage with competing theoretical and empirical arguments. The research work consists of rigorous original research that contributes to the understanding of a research area of empirical importance and theoretical significance to the field of Political Science.

Course Outline



Teaching System

Session Begin

Admission Criteria

Credit Hour / Years


