Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Pakistan growing stronger, says PU VC
Pakistan growing stronger, says PU VC

LAHORE: (Friday, August 14, 2020): Punjab University Vice Chancellor Prof Niaz Ahmad has said that today’s Pakistan is stronger than ever and our country’s future will also be brighter than today. He was addressing the flag hoisting ceremony organized at PU’s newly constructed Gate No 1 here on Friday. Pro Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Saleem Mazhar, Academic Staff Association President Prof Dr Mumtaz Anwar Chaudhry, Registrar Dr Muhammad Khalid Khan, deans, heads of departments, teachers and children participated in the ceremony. Addressing the ceremony, Prof Niaz Ahmad said that we were thankful to our ancestors who made great efforts to gift us an independent country. He said that under the leadership of Father of the Nation Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, hundreds of thousands of Muslims sacrificed their life and property to establish Pakistan. He said that our brothers in Occupied Kashmir were struggling to taste independence and they would also be free from the clutches of fascist India soon. He said that Kashmiris were facing curfew since one year and they could better tell the meaning of independence. He said that Pakistan had successfully coped with great challenges in the last 2 decades and the world was learning from our experiences. He said that Pakistan Army and Police had successfully defeated enemies in war on terror. He said that it was our duty to play our role to strengthen and flourish Pakistan. He called upon the teachers to do research on the topics which could address problems being faced by the country and society. He said that universities must play their role to produce responsible citizens. He said that through the culture of good governance, merit, implementation of law and respect, we would hand over a prosperous Pakistan to the next generation.

Meanwhile, the Vice Chancellor inaugurated newly-constructed Gate No 1 and launched another tree plantation campaign by planting a pine tree. Later, PU VC Prof Niaz Ahmad along with faculty members visited mausoleum of Allama Muhammad Iqbal and paid tribute to the services of thinker of Pakistan.