Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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AIChE organizes orientation at ICET
AIChE organizes orientation at ICET

LAHORE: (Saturday, June 11, 2022): An orientation session for the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE organizes orientation at ICET) was organized at the Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology (ICET), University of the Punjab. It’s a matter of pride for PU ICET for getting its petition approval as AIChE organizes orientation at ICET-chapter from a world leading organization. Director ICET Prof Dr Rafi Ullah Khan chaired the session and in his address asked the students to avail this opportunity for their professional development for global recognition. He appreciated the efforts of BSc Chemical Engineering Program coordinator and Students advisor for AIChE organizes orientation at ICET Chapter Dr Ayyaz Muhammad to meet all the requirements for AIChE organizes orientation at ICET. Student Advisor ICET Dr Majid Majeed Akbar and other faculty members also graced the occasion. Dr Ayyaz Muhammad briefed the students about different objectives and benefits of being recognized as AIChE organizes orientation at ICET chapter. He thanked to Dean Faculty of Chemical and Materials Engineering Prof Dr Abdullah Khan Durrani and Director ICET Prof Dr Rafi Ullah Khan for their kind support and guidance in this regard. AIChE organizes orientation at ICET student’s chapter team also presented a shield of AIChE organizes orientation at ICET chapter to former PU VC Prof Dr Niaz Ahmed Akhter at his office at ICET.