Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU PSC to organize seminar
PU PSC to organize seminar

LAHORE: (Tuesday, September 9, 2014): In connection with the celebrations of 49th Defence Day Punjab University Pakistan Study Centre (PSC) in collaboration with Pakistan National Forum (PNF) will organize an event to revisit the historic war with India & seek suitable deterrents, lessons for future on Wednesday (today) at 11am in the committee room of PSC. PU Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Mujahid Kamran will preside over the ceremony while Mr Justice (r) Sheikh Riaz Ahmad will be the chief guest on the occasion. President PNF Col (r) Ikram Ullah Khan, Dean Faculty of Arts & Humanities & Director PSC Prof Dr Massarrat Abid, Air Marshal (r) Zafar A Chaudhry, Former Governor Punjab Shahid Hamid, Lt Gen (r) Tauqeer Zia, former Federal Law Minister Senator S M Zafar, former Corps Commander Karachi Lt Gen (r) M Nasir Akhter, former Chief Secretary Punjab Pervez Masood, Lt Gen (r) M Afzal Najib, Industrialist Imtiaz Rafi Butt and others renowned personalities from armed forces and civilians will participate the event.