Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Seminar on Emergency Treatment of Snake Bite on 18th August, 2016
Seminar on Emergency Treatment of Snake Bite on 18th August, 2016

Snake bites cause lots of deaths worldwide. Due to increasing incidences of snake confrontations due to rainy season, Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, University of the Punjab, organized a seminar on emergency treatment of snake bites on 18th August, 2016.

Faculty, staff and the students of the department attended the seminar. Dr Hafiz Shahid Lateef, Public Health Consultant, was the resource person for this event. He was accompanied by Dr Rozina Khan. Dr Shahid talked about the local snake species, their local names and how to identify those. He also talked about the effects of different snake bites. He further discussed what precautionary measures can be taken if someone confronts a snake or is bitten by one.

The seminar ended with a very interactive questions answers session in which Dr Rozina Khan also participated and gave her valuable opinions and suggestions. Prof. Dr. Anjum Nasim Sabri, the Chairperson MMG Dept, presented souvenir to Dr Shahid and Dr Rozina Khan.