Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU awards six PhD degrees
PU awards six PhD degrees

LAHORE: (Friday, December 23, 2016): Punjab University has awarded six PhD degrees to the scholars in which Muhammad Ilyas Aslam S/o Muhammad Aslam in the subject of Education after approval of his thesis entitled “Validation of the Higher Education Commission Quality Assurance Indicators Used for Self-Assessment Mechanism at Universities in Punjab Province”, Muhammad Mansha Tayyab S/o Muhammad Sharif in the subject of Islamic Studies after approval of his thesis entitled “A Critical and Analytical Study of the Seerah Traditions of Waqidi in Fath-Ul-Bari (Hafiz Ibn-e-Hajar)”, Azeem Haider S/o Tafseer Haider in the subject of Agricultural Sciences after approval of his thesis entitled “Impact of Ambient Ozone Pollution on Productivity and Rhizospheric Microbial Communities of Mungbean Using Ethylenediurea”, Sajida Munir D/o Munir Khan in the subject of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics after approval of her thesis entitled “Bacterial Bioplastic Production Using Organic Waste Water”, Hafiz Saeed Ahmad Sajid S/o Sardar Muhammad in the subject of Arabic after approval of his thesis entitled “A Comparative Study of Wisdom in the Poetry of Ibn-e-Faridh and Hazrat Baba Farid” and Tashfeen Bint Akram D/o Muhammad Akram in the subject of Arabic after approval of her thesis entitled “The Synonyms in the Holy Quran and Their Manifestations in the Pakistani Urdu Translations”.