Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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6th Invention to Innovation Summit at PU to begin
6th Invention to Innovation Summit at PU to begin

LAHORE: (Tuesday, March 7, 2017): Punjab University Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC) will organize 2-day 6th Invention to Innovation Summit on March 8-9, 2017. Minister of Planning & Development of Pakistan Prof Ahsan Iqbal will be the chief guest in the inaugural ceremony on Wednesday (today) at 9:30am at Al-Raazi hall. PU Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Zafar Mueen Nasir, UET VC Prof Dr Fazal Ahmad Khalid, UMT Rector Prof Dr Hassan Sohaib Murad, Executive Director HEC Dr Arshad Ali, Chairman Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF) Dr Muhammad Ashraf, CEO, IRP – DG, UMT Abid H. K. Shirwani and Director ORIC Prof Dr Tahir Jamil will address on the occasion. The summit exhibition is planned at the Main Corridor of University of the Punjab. This summit will provide a great opportunity to promote research and innovation in Pakistan. It will also be a great learning experience and contribute towards its goal to make innovative Pakistan. The 6th Invention to Innovation summit will include various thematic sessions, invited lectures and technology workshops organized by various institutions.