Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU CEES organized a seminar on Cultural Tourism for Sustainable Development with the collaboration of Tourism Development Corporation of Punjab (TDCP)
PU CEES organized a seminar on Cultural Tourism for Sustainable Development with the collaboration of Tourism Development Corporation of Punjab (TDCP)

Lahore: (Thursday, May 18, 2017): College of Earth and Environmental Sciences organized a seminar on “Cultural Tourism for Sustainable Development” with the collaboration of Tourism Development Corporation of Punjab (TDCP). Lecture was delivered by Mr. Peter Mousaferiadis from Australia.

He is a renowned personality working on bringing peace into the world through Cultural Infusion. During the lecture he focus especially on Pakistan Cultural Tourism potential as it is historically a land of cultural diversity. Pakistan could benefit from its cultural diversity to attract International Community as well as change its prevailing global perceptions through Cultural Tourism. A large number of students and faculty members were present in the seminar. Principal of the College Prof. Dr. Sajid Rashid Ahmad admired the address by the guest speaker and paid thanks to TDCP for the collaboration.