Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU HCBF organizes workshop on research skills
PU HCBF organizes workshop on research skills

LAHORE: (Wednesday, February 20, 2019): Punjab University Hailey College of Banking and Finance has organized a two-day workshop was held at Hailey College of Banking & Finance to make the participants aware of the prerequisites to be fulfilled in order to develop research articles of international standards and their publication. The sessions were conducted by Dr. Zubair Ali Shahid, Assistant Professor at Iqra University, Karachi and Dr. Irfan Tariq, Lecturer at The University Adelaide, Australia. The panelists explained in detail the process to be followed for the enrichment of the scholarly work and to make it suitable according to the selection criteria of journals publishing research at international level. They emphasized the need to understand the requirements of the houses of knowledge thus curtailing hindrances’ in this regard. They explained in detail the crucial points usually missed in this regard. The workshop was followed by an interactive penal discussion with HCBF Principal Prof. Dr. Mubbsher Munawar Khan. The faculty members and researchers learned a lot from this valuable discussion. An informal and interactive approach was followed to address the queries. Speaking at the occasion, the faculty members and researchers expressed their gratitude for the positive initiative by Prof. Dr. Mubbsher for inducing them to get their works published. They opined that such sessions would ultimately promote the research culture and enhance the skills of the researchers’ community.