Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU, Canadian varsity sign MoU
PU, Canadian varsity sign MoU

LAHORE: (Wednesday, October 9, 2019): Punjab University and University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada have signed a memorandum of understanding to encourage direct contact, education and research cooperation between the two institutions. In this regarding, an MoU signing ceremony was organized at Vice Chancellor’s office here on Wednesday. PU VC Prof Niaz Ahmed, Director Global Education Services University of Regina Mr Haroon Choudhry, Director External Linkages Dr Fouzia Hadi Ali, Assistant Prof Dr Amjad Abbas Magsi and other were present on the occasion. According to the agreement, both the universities will launch joint educational and research activities, exchange academic materials and publications, exchange faculty members for research, lectures and discussions and exchange students for study and research. PU VC Prof Niaz Ahmed stressed the need to enhance academic collaboration between the academic institutions of both the countries and learn from each others’ knowledge and experiences.