Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU HCC organizes training session
PU HCC organizes training session

LAHORE: (Saturday, November 13, 2021): Punjab University Hailey College of Commerce Executive Training and Development Cell conducted training of officers of Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) on ‘The Role of SECP in Achieving the Global Agenda 2030’.PU HCC Assistant Professor Dr Fouzia Ali conducted the training while HCC Assistant Professor Dr Muhammad Aamir assisted her. The training conducted at SECP head office Islamabad focused on the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and the role of SECP as a regulator in the achieving these goals.

This training was an outcome of one of Dr Fouzia Ali’s impact factor publications. Chairman SECP Aamir Khan applauded trainers and ETDC’s initiative of such training and hoped for more mutual cooperation between ETDC and HCC in particular and PU in general in future. Trainees showed keen interest in the activity based experiential learning. ETDC is offering training to both corporate sector and public sector entities in development of their human resource in variety of areas. PU HCC Principal Prof Dr Zulfqar Ahmad appreciated ETDC and trainers for their contribution towards capacity building of corporate sector.