Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU MMG Organized one day hands on workshop on ‘Basic Statistical Analysis’ on February 9, 2017
PU MMG Organized one day hands on workshop on ‘Basic Statistical Analysis’ on February 9, 2017

The department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of the Punjab organized one day hands on workshop on ‘Basic Statistical Analysis’ on February 9, 2017. Dr. Mehboob Ahmed and Dr. Shabana conducted the workshop. The workshop started at 9am and ended at 3pm. A total of 48 participants attended the event and included MSc/BS/MS/MPhil/PhD research students and the faculty members. The instructors at first introduced the audience with the statistical terms, the types of data from different study designs and the appropriate statistical terms suitable for different data types. The rest of the session focused on hands on training on applying these tests on the provided example data sets. The tests included chi-square, T-test (one sample/two sample/paired), Hardy Weinberg theorem, Anova (one/two way), correlation and regression both on Microsoft Excel and through online calculators. At the end of the workshop, feedback performas were distributed to the participants and a very good response were observed.