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Vice Chancellor is determined to make University of the Punjab the symbol of peace and urged professors to play their part
Vice Chancellor is determined to make University of the Punjab the symbol of peace and urged professors to play their part

LAHORE: (Thursday, September 28, 2017): Prof. Dr. Zafar Mueen, Vice Chancellor, University of the Punjab has shown commitment in making university of the Punjab as the most peaceful one while addressing the Planning Session. Center for Health and Gender Equality Change (CHANGE) in collaboration with the College of Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES) organized the Planning Session with faculty members under the banner of “Inspiring the Future” in Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of the Punjab on 28th September 2017.

The planning session was intended to chalk out the strategies that could be adopted to promote peace by engaging students through healthy activities. It was attended by Prof. Dr. Zafar Mueen, Vice Chancellor University of the Punjab, Prof Dr Nasra Jabeen, Dean Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, Dr Sajida Nisar, Director, Institute of Business Administration and representatives from departments of Physics, French, Political Science, MMG, Mathematics, Statistics, Space Sciences, Geology, History, IBA, IAS, IER, CEMB, Botany, CUGS, Biology, Center for South Asian Studies, Pakistan Studies, Social Work, Economics, IAGS, Hailey College of Commerce and representative from Jehlum Campus.

While speaking on the Occasion Vice Chancellor appreciated the initiative and owns the issue as the national challenge. He asked the professors to devise the strategy that could be adopted by the University of the Punjab so that we can pay back to the society as these initiatives have trigger down affects. He urged the professors to spend time in building the future of nation over the peace narrative.

“There is a need to replicate this process in hostels as well since it shape up the culture of peace through behavioral changes” he added.

Furthermore he urged the professor to give useful suggestion so that concrete measures would be taken to promote the peace narrative by accepting diversity, inclusiveness and synergy.

Prof. Dr. Nasira Jabeen, Dean Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences also speak on the occasion while lauding the effort she said that there is a need adopt learner centered teaching instead of teacher centered learning. She stressed the need for the promotion of dialogue culture in the society.

Salman Abid, Independent Consultant, CVE Expert conducted the session effectively and align the discussion over the peace narrative.