Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Dr. Thomas Hesse, Deputy Secretary General, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation visits Punjab University
Dr. Thomas Hesse, Deputy Secretary General, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation visits Punjab University

Center for Undergraduate Studies arranged a talk by Dr. Thomas Hesse, Deputy Secretary General, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Germany on 27-03-2019. Prior to his talk, he met with the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Niaz Ahmad Akhtar along with Prof. Dr. Faheem Aftab, Director, Centre for Undergraduate Studies. Also present in that meeting were Director ORIC, Prof. Dr. Naveed Ahsan and Director External Linkages, Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen. Dr. Hesse’s talk was held little later at the Centre for Undergraduate Studies attended by many faculty members and research scholars. Former VC Punjab University, Prof. Emeritus Dr. Khalid Hamid Sheikh presided over the formal proceedings. Prof. Dr. Faheem Aftab welcomed the distinguished guests and participants of the event. In his address to the faculty members and research scholars, Dr. Hesse talked about fellowships and research awards that Humboldt Foundation offers. The audience took great interest in Dr. Hesse’s talk that was followed by Q&A session and a group photo. In his remarks, Humboldt Fellow Prof. Emeritus Dr. Javed Iqbal shared his experiences of research stays in Germany in the past in a very absorbing manner with an apparent nostalgia. Dean Faculty of Life Sciences, Prof. Dr. Firdaus-e-Bareen and Prof. Emeritus Dr. Khalid Hamid Sheikh also addressed the participants with their respective worthy comments. Amongst other participants, former VC, Women University Multan and HEC distinguished Prof. Dr. Shahida Hasnain, Prof. Emeritus Dr. S.R.A Shamsi, Prof.  Dr. Nasira Jabeen, Prof. Dr. Tayyab Husnain, Prof. Dr. Qazi Javed Iqbal, Prof. Dr. Naeem Rashid, Prof. Dr. Sikander Sultan, Prof. Dr. Naveed Ahsan, Prof. Dr. A.N. Khalid were also prominent along with other faculty members and students.