Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU, Lahore Arts Council to promote art, culture
PU, Lahore Arts Council to promote art, culture

LAHORE: (Monday, October 26, 2020): An MoU was signed between PU and Alhamra Arts Council on 26 October 2020. Vice Chancellor Prof Dr. Niaz Ahmad and Executive Director Alhamra Arts Council Lahore Ms. Saman Rai affixed signatures at the document. The ceremony was attended by PVC Prof. Dr. Saleem Mazhar, Director External Linkages Dr. Sobia Khurram, PU PRO Mr. Khurram Shahzad, National Coordinator Inter University Consortium for Promotion of Social Sciences Pakistan Mr. Muhammad Murtaza Noor and Director Arts and Culture, the Lahore Arts Council Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Zulfi. This aim of the MOU is to enhance and strengthen provision of cultural opportunities for PU students.