Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU, Uzbek varsity to strengthen academic ties
PU, Uzbek varsity to strengthen academic ties

LAHORE: (Thursday, June 17, 2021): Punjab University and Uzbekistan' Nuqus State Pedagogical Institute have vowed to strengthen academic relations and promote cultural activities to bring both the nations closer. In this regard, a delegation from the Uzbek University is visiting Punjab University and called on PU Vice Chancellor Prof Niaz Ahmed at his office here on Thursday. Pro Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Saleem Mazhar, Director Regional Integration Centre Dr Fouzia Hadi Ali, Senior Member Advisory Board CGSS Brigadier (r) Mansoor Saeed, PU Deans of various faculties, Vice Rector Nuqus State Pedagogical Institute Mr Kalkhanov Jumabaevich with others were present on the occasion.

Addressing the meeting, Vice Rector Mr Kalkhanov Jumabaevich said that he wanted to promote bilateral relations with Punjab University and said that both the nations share many common values. He stressed the need to enhance people to people contact and said that he would never forte the love and hospitality of Pakistanis. PU VC Prof Niaz Ahmed said that PU would extend full support the Uzbek universities to raise their academic standards and we would learn from each other. He said that the universities of both the countries would jointly work on various research projects and organize seminars, conference etc. He said that PU would also offer scholarships to Uzbek students. Earlier, the Uzbek delegation visited various departments and met heads of department to discuss collaboration in various fields of mutual interest.