Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU CSAS organizes seminar
PU CSAS organizes seminar

LAHORE: (Thursday, January 9, 2020): Punjab University Centre for South Asian Studies has organized a seminar on “Kashmir Today, Options for India and Pakistan” at its auditorium here on Thursday. Brig. (r) Imran Malik was the guest speaker, Director Prof Dr Umbreen Javaid, faculty members and M Phil/PhD scholars of the centre participated in the seminar. In his keynote address, Mr Malik stated that the geo-political and geo-strategic dynamics in the Asian and particularly South Asian region had become very precious because of China-US competition for global influence. He stated that in order to evade the Indian fixation with Pakistan and countering Pakistan’s influence in the region, America wanted the issue to be resolved so that India may focus wholeheartedly on countering the rising Chinese influence. He said that in such a scenario, Pakistan needed to revamp its strategy at regional and global level. He said that economic domain in this respect needed to be focused while diplomatic channels, and the social, information and electronic media must be mobilized to expose Indian brutalities in occupied Kashmir. The seminar was followed by question-answer session in which all the faculty members and scholars participated.