Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Institute of Applied Psychology organized a seminar entitled "Diabetes, its types and its management"
Institute of Applied Psychology organized a seminar entitled "Diabetes, its types and its management"

Institute of Applied Psychology organized a seminar entitled “Diabetes, its types and its management”. The resource person for the seminar was Dr. Samreen Riaz. Dr. Samreen Riaz is a renowned scientist, teacher and researcher who is currently working as Assistant Professor at the Institute of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of the Punjab Lahore. In recognition of her achievements, Govt. of the Pakistan awarded her with Star Laureate civil award in the category of women education working in 2009. She was recently awarded Diabetes Management and therapy appreciation certificates from American Diabetes Association (ADA, USA) and International Diabetes Federation (IDF, UK). Dr. Smareen started off with the mechanism and pathophysiology of the diabetes and its types. Furthermore, she shared the causal factors, symptoms, management and treatment modalities of the Diabetes Mellitus with reference to its types. Moreover, she shared details from the latest researches and cited how prevalence of Diabetes in Pakistan is increased in the recent years. She concluded by sharing management details of Diabetes and its types. Due to the pandemic situation, the session followed a hybrid mode, Dr. Samreen Riaz and Mphil and MS Health Psychology Students attended the session on-campus, whereas audience from varied fields including front line workers  joined online. The seminar was chaired by Prof. Dr. Rafia Rafique, Director Institute of Applied Psychology The seminar was live-streamed on the official facebook page of IAP.