Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Institute of Applied Psychology held a seminar on World Mental Health Day, addressing the rising issue of "Depression and Suicide Among Youth"
Institute of Applied Psychology held a seminar on World Mental Health Day, addressing the rising issue of "Depression and Suicide Among Youth"

The Institute of Applied Psychology held a seminar on World Mental Health Day, addressing the rising issue of "Depression and Suicide Among Youth." Dr. Iram Zehra Bokharey, a highly experienced clinical psychologist with 35 years of clinical practice discussed how to improve the well-being of young people and their communities. Dr. Iram's presentation provided valuable insights and guidance about clinical management to deal with psychological challenges faced by youth and their caregivers.

The seminar also featured an engaging question-and-answer session where faculty members and students actively discussed their queries. This interactive Q & A session added conceptual clarity about the topic. The event ended with Prof. Dr. Saima Ghazal, Acting Director (IAP) and Faculty members Including Dr. Fatima Kamran, Dr. Affifa Anjum and Dr Omama Tariq presented a bouquet to the honorable guest speaker as a gesture of appreciation for sharing her expertise and contributions. The seminar not only shed light on the challenges but also guided about the effective clinical management for a healthier and supportive environment for the psychological wellbeing of young individuals.