Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU organizes seminar on Sikh monuments
PU organizes seminar on Sikh monuments

LAHORE: (Monday, October 31, 2016): Punjab University’s Pakistan Study Centre has organized a special lecture on "The Sikh Monuments in Pakistan." Eminent scholars and historians from United Kingdom Mr. Bobby Singh Bansal and Dr. Pritpal Virdee were among the speakers. Director Pakistan Study Centre Prof. Dr. Massarrat Abid welcomed the guests while Dr. Amjad Abbas Magsi conducted the proceedings of the event. Mr. Bobby Singh in his keynote speech brought to light the multifaceted historical significance of Lahore city. He threw light on various Sikh monuments located across Pakistan. He elaborated the historical contexts and the present condition of the monuments.

He also spoke about the architectural dimensions of the Sikh monuments especially of those belonging to Maharaja Ranjeet Singh's rule in Punjab. He highlighted the various aspects of the governance and rule of the Maharaja. He urged the need for professional approach in persevering and restoration of the monuments. The focus of the preservation work should be to maintain the originality of the artifacts. Dr. Virdee in her speech stressed the need for young generation to know about the rich heritage of the Punjab. She also emphasized need for the change of attitudes and behaviours towards sanctity of heritage in whole South Asian region. She said that along with monuments, the cultural practices must also be preserved. Faculty members and students of Pakistan Study Centre and various other departments of the Punjab University attended the lecture which was concluded with a lively question-answer session.