Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU organizes seminar on Pak-Afghan relations
PU organizes seminar on Pak-Afghan relations

LAHORE: (Wednesday, November 2, 2016): Punjab University’s Pakistan Study Centre organized a special lecture on "Pakistan Afghanistan Relations: Implications for the Region." Prof. Dr. Piotr Balcerowicz of University of Warsaw, Poland and Mr. Muhammad Mehdi, foreign policy expert and central media coordinator PML-N were among the keynote speakers. Prof. Dr. Massarrat Abid, Director, Pakistan Study Centre welcomed the guests while Dr. Amjad Abbas Magsi conducted the proceedings of the event.

In her welcome speech, Prof. Dr. Massarrat Abid said that for durable peace in the region, a policy of non-interference in Afghanistan's internal affairs can be helpful and would bring positive results for the region. She stressed the need to understand that Pakistan-Afghanistan's friendship is essential for a durable peace. Pakistan has always seen Afghanistan as a brother Islamic country but due to Indian influence there, she faced difficulties in achieving that goal. Prof. Dr. Piotr Balcerowicz expressed the views about the internal dynamics of political structure of Afghanistan. The inability of the central government to get hold of the whole area has diminished the chances of lasting peace in Afghanistan. The factionalism in Taliban after the death of Mullah Umar has led to the creation of ISIS in Afghanistan. It has different lineage than its counterpart in Syria and Iraq. Internal chaos in Afghanistan has made it difficult to negotiate for establishing peace in the region. He also criticized US policy of withdrawal from Afghanistan without constructing lasting structure and writ of civilian government. Mr. Muhammad Mehdi in his keynote speech said that Pakistan did not inherit friendly relations with Afghanistan. Past is still haunting the nature of relationships between the two neighboring countries. Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif is keenly desirous to foster bilateral relations with Afghanistan believing that peace and stability in Afghanistan will spillover its positive impacts on Pakistan. Shedding a light on Pakistan and Afghanistan ties, he dispelled an impression that Pakistan government had any role in the elections of Afghanistan. During recent visit to Afghanistan, PM Nawaz Sharif clarified that Pakistan did not have any favorite and it was prerogative to the people of Afghanistan to elect their leadership. Having elaborated diverse impediments incurring damages to Pak-Afghan ties, he threw light on issues regarding water distribution, Afghan migrant repatriation, border management, Taliban leadership, Indian deepening influence Afghan trade, TAPI and CPEC had taken center stage in current political and security scenario. I hope all smothering problems will take turn for better. Taking advantage of close relations with Afghanistan, India has planned to construct 12 water reservoirs on the river flowing from Afghanistan to Pakistan. If it happens, it may lead to trigger water crisis in Pakistan, India may succeed in pressing further Pakistan's water resources. In the wake of TAPI and CPEC, Pakistan and Afghanistan need to have peaceful friendly relationships. Faculty members, students of Pakistan Study Centre and various other departments of the Punjab University attended the lecture which was concluded with a lively question-answer session.