Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Hailey College of Commerce celebrated its '90th Annual Athletic and Sports Festival' for Girls On 19th March, 2016
Hailey College of Commerce celebrated its '90th Annual Athletic and Sports Festival' for Girls On 19th March, 2016

On 19th March, 2016, Hailey College of Commerce celebrated its '90th Annual Athletic and Sports Festival' for Girls. The Principal Hailey College of Commerce, Prof. Dr. Hassan Mobeen Alam, Former Principal, Ch Nazeer Ahmad and Prof.Dr. Saleem from Mirpur University of Science and Technology presided over the ceremony. Faculty Members and a large strength of students participated to make the event a success. Students participated enthusiastically and also organized different stalls under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Fozia Hadi Ali. Medals and prizes were awarded to the successful participants.