Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU CSAS organizes workshop
PU CSAS organizes workshop

LAHORE: (Saturday, May 21, 2016): Punjab University Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS) organized a workshop on “How to do literature review?” in its auditorium. Honorary Professor in PU Department of Information Management Dr Mumtaz Ali Anwar was the key note speaker while Director CSAS Prof Dr Umbreen Javaid, faculty members and MPhil/PhD scholars from CSAS and Department of Political Science also attended the workshop. In his address Dr Anwar said that in literature review, we critically evaluate the previous work in depth that is related to our topic. He said we summarized the said material critically to use in our research. He said that for writing a good literature review we need a wide study on the topic along with a good writing skill with accurate language. He gave many tips to conduct a good research and write a fine literature review.