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One-Day Workshop on Semester Rules, Regulations and Their Effective Implementation on 16th March, 2019 at Institute of Administrative Sciences, University of the Punjab
One-Day Workshop on Semester Rules, Regulations and Their Effective Implementation on 16th March, 2019 at Institute of Administrative Sciences, University of the Punjab

The Semester Implementation Committee (SIC) in collaboration with Human Resource Development Center (HRDC) conducted its first one-day workshop on Semester Rules, Regulations and Their Effective Implementation at Institute of Administrative Sciences, University of the Punjab on 16th March 2019. A total of 90 participants representing different institutes/departments including the teaching and non-teaching staff members dealing with the examination matters attended the workshop.  Professor Dr. Nasira Jabeen – Director IAS and Chairperson SIC, welcomed the participants reiterating the objective and purpose of smooth implementation of semester rules & regulations. Dr. Jabeen shared a presentation on ethos & requirements of semester system where she talked about learning paradigms; Annual and Semester system and critical success factors of both. The focus was placed on the ethos of semester system and how it has been evolved in University of the Punjab in four phases since 1960 to date. She highlighted the requirements for effective implementation of semester system including i) curriculum development, ii) coverage of syllabi, iii) regularity of classes, iv) timely and constructive feedback, v) accessibility of teachers and staff, vi) availability of information resources, vii) secrecy and confidentiality towards examinations and viii) transparency and timely results declaration for effective implementation and best semester outcomes.  Prof. Dr. Nasira Jabeen emphasized on the importance of effective semester system implementation within a thriving culture to support that should be free of organizational politics, conflicts and discrimination and shared with the participants about the role of semester implementation committee to act as a buffer in effective and smooth implementations through central reporting system.

Dr. Sohail Chand – Associate Professor at College of Statistics & Actuarial Sciences and a member of SIC, presented his talk on semester rules & regulations at the departmental level. He spoke about the academic discipline, the time period for different degree programs and the issues and repercussions of invalid and wrong admissions at various departments. Semester freezing policies, class attendance rules and rules for promotion were shared. Delay in declaration of results, the re-sit and re-take examination policy, re-admission and probation policies were also discussed. Mr. Rauf Nawaz – Controller of Examinations, continued the session by focusing on rules regarding thesis submission, CGPA calculation and correction. He also discussed the policy of awarding of medals and prizes with the participants. He emphasized on expediting the entire process of result preparation, result declaration and documentation at official level. A Panel discussion was conducted by members of SIC regarding challenges and solutions of semester system where Mr. Rauf Nawaz – Controller Examinations, PU, Dr. Amra Raza – Chairperson Department of English Language & Literature, Dr. Nasira Jabeen – Director Institute of Administrative Sciences and Dr. Sohail Chand - Associate Professor at College of Statistics & Actuarial Sciences addressed the queries by the workshop participants. Recommendations were also invited by the participants for improvement in the implementation of the system. Semester Implementation Committee of PU has 13 members and 6 members were present at the workshop for facilitation. Members of SIC, Dr. Muhamamd Shahid Farooq – Associate Professor IER and Mr. Tariq Mahmood Butt – Assistant Professor PUCIT also joined at the workshop. The full day workshop culminated on a memorable group photo and acknowledgement of efforts of the administrative team including Mr. Umar Mehboob – secretary SIC, and HRDC/IAS team members; Mr. Shahzad Ahmad Siddiqui, Ms. Rifat Umbreen Afzal, and Ms. Zulaikha Mahmood. SIC also intends to revise the academic calendar of the University in order to expedite the degree awarding process to the graduates.