Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab


US presence is a great threat to the entire world: PU VC

One-day conference on “Gravitation” held at PU

HEC team visits PU, meets VC and editors of research journals

Nepali ambassador visits PU

PU VC urges to prepare for Third World War

US expulsion a must to save mankind: PU VC

PU Dengue Research Group meets 98.4 percent dengue patients cured, 1.6 percent died

Seminar on “Gender Based Violence; Issues & Challenges” held at PU

Creation of new knowledge only way to combat Int’l powers: PU VC

PU holds protest gathering against NATO attack at Old Campus

Massive “Azm-e-Aalishan Rally” against NATO attack held at PU

Bangladeshi High Commissioner visits PU
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