Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU CSAS organizes seminar
PU CSAS organizes seminar

LAHORE: (Friday, August 19, 2022): Punjab University Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS) organized a seminar on ‘India–Demise of Intelligentsia/Academia in Modi’s India–Diminishing Voices of Sanity’. CSAS Director Prof Dr Umbreen Javiad, renowned analyst Salman Abid, faculty members and MPhil / PhD scholars attended the seminar. In his keynote address, Salman Abid encompassed the extremist trends in Modi’s India and elaborated how the voices of dissent against the ruling government by the intelligentsia or academia were curtailed or suppressed by the Modi’s government. He highlighted the differences between Modi’s ‘New India’ and ‘Hindu Rashtra’. He said that ‘Hindutva’ was actually an issue of social identity rather than religion. He further briefed the audience about the methods and tactics employed by the Modi’s government to silence the voices of dissent against the ruling government. He emphasized the role of international community to play its part in restricting India from its path of extremism. He also recommended that in age of digital media, it was highly difficult for Modi’s regime to silence the voices of dissent against the ruling government.