Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU HCBF to launch PhD in Business Management
PU HCBF to launch PhD in Business Management

LAHORE: (Wednesday, August 24, 2022): Punjab University Hailey College of Banking & Finance (HCBF) will launch Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Business Management as it has received formal approval from Higher Education Commission of Pakistan Letter No. 1-68/2022/QAD-NOC/HEC/TUOP/565 dated 23rd August 2022. In this regard, faculty members and students of the college have congratulated HCBF Principal Prof Dr Mubbsher Munawar Khan for achieving this milestone. Dr Khan has said research was the primary function of every university. He said it was an academic function which created new knowledge and also attracts projects and grants. He believed that research on timely and important topics attracted attention, which in turn led to greater institutional visibility and reputation. He added that strength in research helped define a university’s “brand” in the national and international marketplace, impacting everything from student recruitment, faculty retention and attracted new investments. He said that HCBF students would benefit from studying in an environment rich in research and creativity. He said that HCBF would announce admissions in PhD Business Management program very soon.