Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Faculty members of Institute of Applied Psychology chaired the scientific sessions
Faculty members of Institute of Applied Psychology chaired the scientific sessions

Faculty members of Institute of Applied Psychology chaired the scientific sessions at the International Conference of Social Sciences Research (ICSSR 2023) organized by Lahore Garrison University. Parallel scientific sessions were held in the two-day ICSSR 2023. Director Institute of Applied Psychology, Prof. Dr. Rafia Rafique, chaired the session on “Parenting and Attachment". Dr. Fatima Kamran, Associate Professor IAP, chaired the session with the theme “Health Psychology”. Theme of the session chaired by Dr. Afifa Anjum, Assistant Professor IAP, was “Resilience, Hope and Life Satisfaction". Students of IAP presented their research and fully participated in the conference. Director Institute of Applied Psychology and faculty members of IAP lauded the management team of Lahore Garrison University for the successful organization of the International Conference of Social Sciences Research.