Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU HCBF organizes discussion
PU HCBF organizes discussion

LAHORE: (Wednesday, March 15, 2023): Punjab University Hailey College of Banking and Finance (HCBF) organized a discussion in which Senior Advisor at World Bank Deepak Khanna, HCBF Principal Dr Ahmad Muneeb Mehta, Additional Registrar Dr Abbas, faculty members and others were participated. In the discussion the honorable guest shed light on various financial and banking tools that may be utilized for effective risk management and poverty alleviation in terms of Pakistan as well as global context. Deepak Khanna was kind enough to offer his expertise to the College in pursuit of research excellence through College conference and research journal platforms. Dr Ahmed Muneeb Mehta thanked to Deepak Khanna for sharing his valuable time and presented a souvenir as well.