Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PUOWA organizes condolence reference for Capt (r) Saleem Akhtar
PUOWA organizes condolence reference for Capt (r) Saleem Akhtar

LAHORE: (Wednesday, June 14, 2023): Punjab University Officers Welfare Association (PUWOA) has organized condolence reference in memory of Secretary to Vice Chancellor Captain (r) Muhammad Saleem Akhtar. On this occasion, PU Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Khalid Mahmood, Registrar Tasneem Kamran, Controller of Examinations Muhammad Rauf Nawaz, daughter of Saleem Akhter Ms Fatima, President PUOWA Dr Tauqeer, administrative officers and employees were present. In his address, Dr Khalid Mahmood said that Saleem Akhtar was used to do his work on time and was committed to the principles of honesty and good faith in the performance of professional affairs. He said that man plans but death can come at any time for which one should always be prepared. He said that after the death of a person, only his good morals and deeds are remembered.
Tasneem Kamran said that he had an old relationship with late Akhtar and the deceased was always ready to help others. Fatima Saleem said that her father’s death is definitely a deep shock for her family, but he advised her mother and the children to always be strong. She said that we should be patience on the decisions of Allah. Dr Tauqeer said that Captain (r) Saleem was a sophisticated person who always had a gentle attitude towards his staff. Mehwish Khurshid said that Army training was visible in Saleem Akhtar's professional affairs. Jaleel Tariq prayed that Almighty Allah grant the deceased a high rank in Jannat-ul-Firdous and grant patience to the bereaved family.