Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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The Executive Training and Development Centre (ETDC) at HCC recently orchestrated a comprehensive training session addressing the theme of "Sustaining Well-being amid pressure at work"
The Executive Training and Development Centre (ETDC) at HCC recently orchestrated a comprehensive training session addressing the theme of "Sustaining Well-being amid pressure at work"

The Executive Training and Development Centre (ETDC) at HCC recently orchestrated a comprehensive training session addressing the theme of "Sustaining Well-being amid pressure at work." The session featured Prof. Dr. Rafia Rafique, Director IAP, PU and a distinguished authority in the field of mental health, renowned for her accolades such as the 6th Outstanding Research Award and the Pride of the Nation Award for exceptional mental health services. Prof. Dr. Rafia's affiliations with the American and Canadian Psychological Associations underscored her expertise.
Geared towards faculty members of HCC and its affiliated colleges, the training session encapsulated a spectrum of vital topics. Noteworthy among these were mental health awareness, encompassing the recognition and understanding of mental health intricacies; identification of risk factors, which illuminated potential triggers for mental health issues; and the differentiation between stress and burnout, enabling participants to discern these states effectively. Further, Prof. Dr. Rafia elucidated the signs and symptoms of burnout, thus facilitating its early identification. Practical stress management strategies were also communicated, empowering attendees with tangible techniques to mitigate stress and prevent burnout. The training session additionally delved into the nuances of time management, a pivotal skill in reducing stressors, and provided an in-depth comprehension of anxiety, a prevalent mental health concern.
The success of the training session was notably acknowledged by Prof. Dr. Zafar Ahmad, Principal of HCC, who commended the efforts of Dr. Sadia Farooq, Director of ETDC, for her meticulous organization. Prof. Dr. Zafar Ahmad extended his gratitude to Prof. Dr. Rafia Rafique for her informative contribution, acknowledging her commitment to enhancing the academic community's well-being. As educators assimilated the insights garnered from this session, its constructive influence promises to reverberate throughout the academic landscape, fostering an environment conducive to enhanced well-being and efficacy.