Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU ILL organizes int’l conference on linguistics
PU ILL organizes int’l conference on linguistics

LAHORE: (Wednesday, December 14, 2022): Punjab University Institute of Languages and Linguistics (ILL) has organized opening ceremony of two-day 8th international conference on “Contemporary Trends in Linguistics” at School of Biochemistry and Biotechnology’s Auditorium. PU Dean Faculty of Oriental Learning Prof Dr Ghulam Moeen Uddin Nizami, President of the Linguistics Association of Pakistan Dr Ghulam Raza, ILL In-charge Dr Maria Isabel Maldonado Garcia, researchers, faculty members and students participated in the conference. In his address, Dr Nizami said that the department of linguistics was very important in the promotion of regional and other languages. He said that PU Oriental College had been trying to promote language, literature and cultural activities for 152 years. He said that the participation of such a large number of linguistic scientists in the conference was commendable for which Dr Maria and her team deserved appreciation. He said that creating new knowledge and promoting research culture was the primary responsibility of the universities. He said that steps were being taken to start various programs to promote languages further. Throwing light on the history of the conference, Dr Ghulam Raza said that it was a matter of honor to hold the conference for the second time in Punjab University. He said that Lahore had good traditions regarding highlighting the importance of linguistic subjects. He said that promoting knowledge of languages, learning about new ideas and modern trends was the need of the hour. Dr Maria Maldonado said that hosting the conference was a memorable moment for her. She said that in the two-day conference, researchers of national and international fame from Pakistan, including USA, Georgia, Malaysia and Hong Kong, would share their experiences and ideas on linguistics. She said that the Diploma in Translation Studies had also been launched in the institute, while MPhil program would also be offered from the next year. She said that the purpose of organizing the conference was to make the students aware of the opinions of eminent researchers on new developments in the subject. The conference will continue on Thursday (today) as well.