Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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International Conference on Trends and Challenges in Health Sciences (ICHS-2023) on March 01-02, 2023
International Conference on Trends and Challenges in Health Sciences (ICHS-2023) on March 01-02, 2023

Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB), University of the Punjab, Lahore is going to organize a 2-day "International Conference on Trends and Challenges in Health Sciences" (ICHS-2023) on March 1-2, 2023 . The focus of the event will be to share the recent advancements in the field of molecular biology and the challenges faced for its applications for human disease, its treatments and prevention; and, its possible exploitation for sustainable Pakistan.

Following are the details:

Conference Title: "International Conference on Trends and Challenges in Health Sciences" (ICHS-2023)
Virology/ microbial research,
Genetics and Genomics,
Stem cell therapeutics/ Tissue engineering,
Cancer Biology and Drug Discovery
Date: March 1-2, 2023
Time: 09:00Hrs to 17:00Hrs (Pakistan Time)
Venue: Riazzudin Auditorium, Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology
Abstract Submission Deadline: February 06, 2023 till 16:00Hrs (Pakistan Time)
Link for online application forms
Registration Deadline: February 10, 2023 till 16:00Hrs (Pakistan Time)
Registration Fee:
Student: 2000 PKR
Academic Professional/Faculty Member: 3500 PKR
Industrial Professional: 5000 PKR
Registration  fee can be paid via online transfer / easy paisa /ATM/ Demand draft in following account:
CEMB(Agriculture Research and Development)
Account No. 0010000021190898
Allied Bank Limited, Canal View Branch, Lahore
In case of online payment remember to bring your original slips at registration desk. Please send pic of deposit slip via email to
Abstract Submission: Abstracts can be sent to
Contact Persons: Dr. Mariam Shahid (
The  organizing  committee  cordially  invites researchers  across  world  to  submit  their  abstract for  oral  talks.  The  abstract  must  not  exceed  250 words.  Submit you abstracts to The  deadline  for  receiving  abstracts is February 06, 2023.
Please note that already published work will be considered under plagiarism and will not be accepted for further proceeding.

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